Thursday, May 28, 2009

Baby Boomers: Listen Up!

Yes, it's true. I am a BB of the first degree, one of the first! By an incredible stroke of fate, I am also the parent of a still minor child. But I only have one more year to go on that one! She keeps me young, though. I listen to today's music that I probably would never have done if not forced into. Classic Rock from the '70s is my preferred music!

So, add being single to that mix, what I must do to support she and I with the basics and me with all the spiritual gatherings I like to attend, generating income is at the top of my list! Retirement?? I doubt it. Not in the traditional sense. I want to be able to be vital physically and financially for the remainder of my life, so I am in business for myself.

Every day I get up and plan my day that day! I do the things that bring me joy, one of which is teaching personal growth to the people on my team, Team Spirit. What we have built is so much more than just dollars and cents being traded for products. We truly are a family and learn from each other. Team Spirit has not only changed my life but many others as well.

There IS something out there for you!

Well, now what?? They say the economy is going to be in the tank for the rest of the year. Millions of people are out of work, perhaps you are or at least fearful your job is insecure.

I talk to so many people who tell me that they hated their job, but at least it was something that paid the bills. If that is you, I know it was me 4 years ago, you may be having the niggling feeling in the back of your mind that this is the time to find something you will be fulfilled by.

When Spirit drop kicked me out of Corporate America, I was not entirely upset. For the previous year I found myself more and more unhappy about being with this company. They wanted more and more from me, from all of us. More than I felt I could give as a single mother who needed balance in my life.

Now, many more are feeling it. But what is it that will afford you as an individual the fulfillment you seek, working at something that brings you joy and is lucrative?

I believe the answer lies in small business. We are seeing the giants in corporate topple under their own weight and frantically trying to reinvent themselves. Some will make it, some won't. For individuals, though, the way to our "new times" is through small business. In small business, we can gain financial AND time freedom. Both are important. without, there is no need for the other in my opinion.

Now, I coach and train others how to navigate successfully through the process of finding their niche. Call me for a free consultation, to see if what I have to offer is right for you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Principle of Be - Do - Have

I don't know about you, but I grew up and have continued to foster that the way for me to get the things I want out of life, I had to apply the principle of Have - Do - Be.

What does that mean? It means that when we think about what we want, we put it in terms of "When I have the money, I will do ___________ and then all be well". You can fill in the blank with just about anything.

Today, when I speak with people about a new way of being, I still hear "I don't have the money. If I had the money, I would __________". Especially now, when so many are seeking a way to generate income, people are feeling the lack.

But what this does, is just generate more lack. And, if by some stroke of fate, money starts coming in, they don't change their viewpoint. Now, the mantra is "Well, I have so many bills to pay first, before I can even think about what I really WANT out of life."

This outlook is just plain backwards!! Those who figure out that they need to BE first and then DO and then HAVE, will reap the rewards of having money come into their lives as they envision it.

So how do we make the transition when all we can see is the "wolf at the door"? For starters, we have to make the choice that changing our viewpoint is the way to a better future. While this is not always easy, it can be done one moment, one choice at a time.

Many top authors are saying now that we must first BE what we want to attract into our lives. The movie and book The Secret, brought the concept of the Law of Attraction into our consciousness. But it didn't go far enough. It is not enough to just visualize, although that is part of the process. We must take the next step of changing internally, changing the thoughts we allow in our heads as well.

But you say, how can I BE someone who has money, when I do not? Good question! You must have the BELIEF in your mind that you will and the FAITH in your heart that it is on its way to you. I have found, though, that there is one key component along with all the rest: my desires must be in alignment with those of my higher purpose.

More and more people are coming to understand that they have a higher purpose than what they have realized so far in their lives. Even if you don't know completely, you can begin the exploration of BEcoming your authentic self.

Drop the layers of "shoulds" and "woulds" and "coulds" that you have allowed to accumulate over the years, due to the conditioning of our culture. Let go of all that you think you are and come into who you feel you are!

When you join me in Liberty League International, you get unlimited training on the BE DO HAVE principle. That is who we are!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Business Whose Time Has Come....

Since I found Liberty League, I have never been happier with my choice! Once I left Corporate America, I knew that going back was not an option. But, I had 2 kids to support. Yes, I did look for a job, mostly contract positions, but nothing really came to fruition.

What I did do was start teaching people about project management, and it turned out, that I loved it! At the same time, my spiritual growth took a much deeper turn, so that I wanted to somehow make my living by doing something "spiritual" even though I didn't know what that was. I had no training in any area that I considered.

Through Liberty League, I have found my answer. I am growing by leaps and bounds in several directions at once.

First, of course, I have unlimited income potential with this business, as is true with any network marketing business. However, since this is a TOP TIER business, that potential comes much more quickly and in greater quantities!

Second, just masterminding with fellow entrepreneurs who are self made millionaires through this program is a benefit that I did not see at first. To change my thinking, to be successful, it is of extreme importance to surround yourself with those who are what you want to be as well.

Third, I get to introduce to others who are search for that "something out there", a business for the new age. We are attracting people left and right, who are disillusioned with Corporate America and the hamster wheel. Our revenues are UP 60% or more over this time last year.

If you are searching, still employed or not, take a look at this business model and you will see that your income is unlimited and you will be working in a business of which you can be proud. Not chasing family and friends, but using many marketing means which we will teach you to bring good quality people into your business to the highest good of all.

When I attended the Liberty Conference in Acapulco in March, 2009, I was amazed at how many people said they viewed this business as spiritual and something they had been wishing for to turn up in there lives.

Me too!! To listen to an audio overview from me, click here


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finding our way through fear about money

Fear has been humankind's nemesis since the beginning of time. As children, our parents used fear to instill in us a sense of caution to keep us safe. As a parent, I used fear to do the same with my children. Some of the fears we endow our children with are irrational, stemming from experiences we have had in our lives.

With the collapse of the banking system, the housing industry and many others too numerous to mention, a new fear as arisen. I am of a generation that has not had to worry about the next meal or a roof over my head and neither have my children. They know nothing of unsatisfied want or need of essential items.

The changes that we as a planet are experiencing have been foretold for some time. But true to our nature, we did not want to worry about it until we had to. Who knew, it might all be a lie and nothing would happen! The fact is, it has and it will continue.

So where are all these changes leading us? To a new world economy for one. An economy with integrity for all. Perhaps a spiritual economy? As our collective consciousness if raised, we will learn to live more simply as we have already begun to do. More in tune with our Earth mother.

The bottom line is, to NOT succumb to fear over money. Staying out of fear and into love is the answer. It is the answer to helping find new work, a new mission or a different job you do not hate. The time is now for us to seek out our personal joy in the work we do. Money will follow.

I happen to think that personal growth products in the network marketing industry is my calling, at least for now. The only way to be successful in this business and generate abundance is to be authentic and true to myself.

Which is the whole point of this earthly journey we are on...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hey, you corporate types: this is the most challenging and rewarding position you could ever have!

It has been my experience that the mention of network marketing gets mixed reviews from the people I speak with about my business. I like to attend job networking session to offer people seeking a job an alternative. The reactions fall generally into 4 categories.

If I am talking with a long-steeped "Corporate" person, it seems that the words network marketing evoke a kind of derision, in that no one could possibly be serious about entering the profession unless they just couldn't get anything else and were in general, corporate losers. When I tell them about what I have offer, they look at me with some pity, assuming that it is I who is lost!

A second response is one evoked from those who may have tried a network marketing business, typically the MLM model, and found that it "didn't work". Therefore, their viewpoint is one of disappointment and a "not going down that road again" type response.

When I find someone who has been in multiple MLM organizations and they pronounce that they just didn't "work", I chat with that person a little more, trying to discover if the result was due to their not applying themselves or lack of support from their company or upline. It is possible that the individual, with the right coaching, could be very successful.

Third, view network marketing as a type of pyramid scheme, something to be avoided at all costs, even though they truly don't understand what it is and is not.

In the last category, there are those who are open to the idea, because where they are is not giving them what they need or desire. This generally comes down to time and/or emotional freedom, regardless of the details in the person's life. These people are my best prospects.

For those in the first three categories, I usually chat with them a little more to detect if there is any crack in their armor to enlighten them. If I find one, I continue; if not, I give my card and tell me them to contact me if their viewpoint changes.

What most people do not understand is that network marketing, particularly direct sales, is a profession in and of itself. It takes just as much work as any other profession to be successful. Since I am focusing on the views of the corporate people here, let me say this. Most in Corporate America work very hard long hours to earn their income and their employers do not mind at all dumping more work on them without an increase in pay, using the person's desire to get ahead, as a motivation factor. That is, "You will do this because I (the employer) know you want to do whatever it takes to earn more recognition and money".

Those who are very successful in network marketing learn that their success can be wildly above what they could ever earn in corporate, while doing it on their own terms. Network Marketing offers more training than any other profession, bar none! The income you can generate is unlimited! No corporation can offer that. So why would a reasonably intelligent person not consider network marketing as an option, especially now in these times of extraordinary fear about money.

The bottom line is that those of you in Corporate America, or recently released from a job in that world, should look into network marketing as your second career. Being successful in the network marketing direct sales arena, will require much more of you than corporate ever did, but the rewards are huge. You will be required to become your authentic self: not play a role and do "other duties as assigned" in your job description. You will figure out that you must be who YOU are, to attract the people to you that will benefit from joining you in your business, and then you will be the teacher as well as the student.

There is no management job in Corporate America that is more challenging, however more rewarding and will afford you the most personal growth you could hope for!

Monday, May 4, 2009

How does spirituality relate to network marketing?

When I started on my spiritual path around the turn of the century, I was employed by a company that was really wonderful to work for. As time went on, the company atmosphere was less and less attractive to me, as my vision for the future of our planet and the my own future grew more attractive.

As the atmosphere grew more toxic day by day, I found myself thinking "I wonder if there is a way to make all the money I want while having the freedom to go to all the trainings, conferences or sacred sites I wanted to visit". Then I would go to yet another meeting with a bunch of other people who were as disenchanted as I, but who felt trapped on the hamster wheel of life. I also had two kids to support as a single mom.

In March 2005, I was dropped kicked out of the corporate life by Spirit. I have spent the past four years searching for a spiritual business: not certain what I was I looking for, but searching none the less. Going back to corporate was not an option. During that time, I enrolled in an MLM business, whose products I believed to be excellent, but did not do well. So like many others in MLM, I got involved in another MLM business with related products; the rationale is that I wasn't doing well with the first, so adding a second will surely make the difference, in giving my prospects more options.

Soon after, I abandoned both of those for a top tier financial education direct sales opportunity. I put thousands of dollars into this business, thinking that THAT would be the key to my success. At the same time, I was pursuing the shamanic path as well as searching for my "true" spiritual path. To make the story short, I wound up losing just about everything and in the process, wound up totally surrendering to Spirit, with the thought that "OK, I am not making this work, you drive"....

At that point, things started turning around for me. Since then, I found a business that offers personal growth products that are wonderful. So, after letting Spirit drive, I found this business and it totally matched who I am now while making the income I want to pursue my dreams.

Spiritually, I now realize that who I am and what I have learned will totally be influential to others who are searching as well. I can introduce others to a new level of personal growth, much beyond The Secret, which has inspired many to get on the path. My mission right now is to be a sentinel for others and in turn, they are teaching me.

Network marketing provides the perfect vehicle for me to put the Law of Attraction to the test. It affords me the not only the time but the financial freedom to craft the life I see for myself in the next very exciting years.