What does that mean? It means that when we think about what we want, we put it in terms of "When I have the money, I will do ___________ and then all be well". You can fill in the blank with just about anything.
Today, when I speak with people about a new way of being, I still hear "I don't have the money. If I had the money, I would __________". Especially now, when so many are seeking a way to generate income, people are feeling the lack.
But what this does, is just generate more lack. And, if by some stroke of fate, money starts coming in, they don't change their viewpoint. Now, the mantra is "Well, I have so many bills to pay first, before I can even think about what I really WANT out of life."
This outlook is just plain backwards!! Those who figure out that they need to BE first and then DO and then HAVE, will reap the rewards of having money come into their lives as they envision it.

So how do we make the transition when all we can see is the "wolf at the door"? For starters, we have to make the choice that changing our viewpoint is the way to a better future. While this is not always easy, it can be done one moment, one choice at a time.
Many top authors are saying now that we must first BE what we want to attract into our lives. The movie and book The Secret, brought the concept of the Law of Attraction into our consciousness. But it didn't go far enough. It is not enough to just visualize, although that is part of the process. We must take the next step of changing internally, changing the thoughts we allow in our heads as well.
But you say, how can I BE someone who has money, when I do not? Good question! You must have the BELIEF in your mind that you will and the FAITH in your heart that it is on its way to you. I have found, though, that there is one key component along with all the rest: my desires must be in alignment with those of my higher purpose.
More and more people are coming to understand that they have a higher purpose than what they have realized so far in their lives. Even if you don't know completely, you can begin the exploration of BEcoming your authentic self.
Drop the layers of "shoulds" and "woulds" and "coulds" that you have allowed to accumulate over the years, due to the conditioning of our culture. Let go of all that you think you are and come into who you feel you are!
When you join me in Liberty League International, you get unlimited training on the BE DO HAVE principle. That is who we are!
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